Volunteer Declaration and Commitment – Health

The Jewish Agency for Israel TEN Tikkun Olam Program

The Jewish Agency for Israel hereby declares as follows:

Whereas: The Jewish Agency for Israel’s TEN, operated through Daroma Tzafona – Tikkun Olam (hereinafter, jointly: “the Jewish Agency”), initiated a volunteer activity with local populations in developing regions to provide humanitarian aid worldwide.

As: TEN is a donation-based project largely subsidized (excluding participation fees described below), encompassing various volunteer activities like agriculture, local community engagement, studies, tours, lectures, accommodation, and meals.

As: I have requested to volunteer within the framework of TEN in (city, country) (hereinafter: “the center”), and you have approved my participation, subject to the terms of this Letter of Declaration and Commitment, as detailed below.

As: The volunteer period will commence on (day) and conclude on (day) (hereinafter: “the term of the program”) (the actual date of departure to the center may be adjusted based on the program’s start date, communicated through written notification to the volunteer).

Therefore, I hereby declare as follows:

  1. The preamble to this Letter of Declaration is an integral part hereof.
  2. Before departing for the program, I affirm my compliance with the preliminary conditions, including commitment to the agreed-upon time of volunteering, payment of participation fees, passing the screening process, and possessing the physical, medical, and mental fitness to participate in the program. I also acknowledge the consent to this Letter of Declaration and all its clauses.
  3. I declare that I do not suffer from any health condition (including mental health) that may restrict my eligibility to participate in TEN. I will disclose any medications I am taking before departing to my center that might affect my participation.
  1. TEN bears no responsibility for providing medical or mental health care. I understand that it is my responsibility to obtain health insurance in accordance with TEN’s guidelines.
  2. I agree that in the event of a disease outbreak posing risks to myself or the environment, based on professional opinion received by TEN, my participation in field activities may be terminated.
  3. I am aware of and consent to all details concerning the program’s aim and terms, including information provided in coordination of expectations appendices and on TEN’s website.
  4. I understand that participation in the introductory call and preparation day, as well as signing this Letter, do not obligate the Jewish Agency to send me on the program, and the Jewish Agency retains the discretion to withhold my participation. I hereby waive any claim and demand related to the cancellation of my trip, including preparation day costs, if applicable.

8. Payment:

  1. I acknowledge that my participation in the program is heavily subsidized by donations and is contingent upon paying the agreed-upon participation fee of 750$ USD covering for registration fee and a local work permit fee (issued by TEN).
  2. I commit to submit my participation fee within (specified period) of receiving my acceptance letter or following written instructions from the TEN Recruitment Director/Coordinator.
  3. I agree to execute payment by credit card, as detailed in the email I received.
  4. I understand that the payment is for the entire program and, should I leave before its completion, whether voluntarily or at the initiative of the Jewish Agency, or if I am absent for any reason, the program participation fee will not be refunded.
  5. However, if my participation is canceled up to eight weeks before the program’s start, the Jewish Agency will return 1/2 of the participation fee. If I cancel my participation within eight weeks of the program’s start, the participation fee will not be refunded.


9. Flights and Stay:

  1. I acknowledge that I am responsible for arranging and covering the costs of my travel to and from the center, including flight, visa, vaccinations, free weekends, and health insurance (as detailed below).
  2. The Jewish Agency will provide me with accommodation at the center, three daily vegetarian meals, and local transportation to volunteer projects that are not within walking distance from the center during the program’s term (personal expenses such as restaurants, private trips, laundry, phone expenses, etc., will not be covered by the program).
  3. I am aware that I will be liable for the full cost of any changes to my travel arrangements, should my trip be canceled or my arrival time at the center altered, for any reason.
  4. Should I choose to extend my stay abroad, whether before or after the program term, such extension will be my responsibility and at my expense, including accommodation, visa extension, and insurance coverage.
  5. I undertake to obtain a visa or have obtained a visa, as required for the country of the center before my departure, and I am responsible for visa extensions, should I stay in the country beyond the program term. I understand that the Jewish Agency is not responsible for the visa issuance process at the consulate in the country of the center, and assistance from the Jewish Agency does not imply responsibility for the process.
  6. I understand that the responsibility for my personal belongings, including valuable items, lies solely with me, and I hereby waive any claim or demand concerning the damage or loss of my belongings. Additionally, I am aware that the Jewish Agency recommends avoiding taking valuables whenever possible.
  7. I commit to abide by the security instructions provided by the Security Division during my stay at the center, and I will receive a briefing on these guidelines before my departure, as indicated in Clause 8 below.
  8. I understand that the agency’s security responsibility is primarily focused on the volunteer center and emergency situations in the destination country.
  9. Moreover, I am fully aware that free weekends (weekends not included in the program schedule, typically taking place fortnightly) and any personal journeys, meetings, or leisure activities not part of the program during the term of the program are solely my responsibility and at my own expense. I acknowledge that the Jewish Agency bears no liability or responsibility in relation to the above.


10. Insurance:

Personal Health Insurance:

  1. I am aware that the agency does not provide or hold health insurance covering my participation in TEN.
  2. I undertake to purchase health insurance at my expense that will cover me throughout the entire program, including accidents related to project activities and any event, trip, or other activity.
  3. The insurance must include coverage with the following elements:

– Liability limit in the policy – not less than $750,000.00.

– Deductible for the event – up to $50.

– Mandatory inclusions within the coverage amount:

  • Extreme sports (details of the sports included)
  • Detection and extraction
  • Flight and medical evacuation
  • Transfer of a body
  • Extension of stay due to medical reasons
  • Continuation of medical treatment in Israel
  • Emergency dental care

– Policy must include coverage for personal luggage and personal accident insurance.

– In the case of an existing medical condition, the extended policy for existing diseases/existing medical conditions must be included without exclusions.

– I undertake to confirm the availability of a doctor on behalf of the insurance who can provide me with an online answer, and I will find out the expected response time if needed.

  1. I understand that the agency is not involved in any legal matters with the insurance company. I will directly submit claims and refunds to the insurance company, assuming full responsibility for these actions.
  2. As a condition of my participation in the project, I must provide you with a medical certificate signed by a doctor, in addition to the health declaration, and I undertake to provide complete medical and mental health information about myself.
  3. Before departing for the project, I will send the agency confirmation of my medical insurance, including the policy number and relevant medical limitations.
  4. Medical treatment: I declare and undertake to waive any claim or demand against the agency in the context of any medical treatment or medical service as part of or as a result of my activities during my participation in the project.
  5. Responsibility for risk: I understand that the project includes a variety of activities, including physical activity and contact with the local population. I voluntarily, fully, and unconditionally assume the risk of injury or damage, including illness, to the extent that they occur during the activities, and release the agency and anyone on its behalf from any responsibility for said damage.

Medical liability insurance:

Health professionals are obligated to issue a personal medical liability insurance policy before embarking on the delegation. The policy will be uploaded to your personal secured checklist.

11. Security Protection:

I undertake to undergo a security briefing by the Jewish Agency’s security department, before my departure to the center, at a time set by the Jewish Agency, and to sign the required documents as requested by them. I will also act in accordance with their guidelines.

12. Agreed Instructions:

  • I understand and agree to follow the instructions of the Jewish Agency, center directors, and TEN head office during my program, in accordance with the laws of Israel and the local country, and align with the program’s objectives while maintaining suitable and presentable conduct.
  • I acknowledge that I am prohibited from engaging in any political or ideological activities, including conferences, demonstrations, or meetings, representing or affiliating with any political or ideological body. I commit not to partake in such activities during my volunteer period.
  • I understand that I must maintain professional relationships only with the professional staff of the center and/or the local community, and romantic and/or intimate relationships are not allowed during the volunteering period.
  • I am aware that failure to adhere to the above provisions, engaging in violent behavior, or using drugs or alcohol may result in appropriate action by the Jewish Agency, which may include preventing my departure for the program or returning me to my country of origin at my own expense. I accept responsibility for covering the costs associated with my return and agree to repay the Jewish Agency as requested.

13. General:

  1. I undertake to attend the preparation day before my departure to the center, understanding that my attendance is a prerequisite for my participation in the volunteering period.
  2. I am aware that during the program, the Jewish Agency and its representatives may photograph, interview, or record me through still photography, video, or audio. By signing this Letter, I grant the Jewish Agency full rights to use these materials, along with any materials I provide for their use (with proper credit, as required by law). I hereby permit the Jewish Agency to use these materials for its needs, at its discretion, without compensation. I waive any claim related to the Jewish Agency’s use of these materials, and I understand that the Jewish Agency is not responsible for any inappropriate use of these materials by third parties.
  3. I understand that my traveling to and participating in the screening process and preparation day, or my voluntary participation in the TEN Program, does not establish employee-employer relations, sender-emissary relations, trusteeship relations, or similar relationships between myself and the Jewish Agency.
  4. I declare that I have read and understood the information available on the www.tenvolunteers.org website and find its content acceptable. I am aware that the data on the website may be updated periodically, and the latest version is binding.
  5. I understand that the projects conducted within the framework of TEN are the exclusive intellectual property of the program, and I may not use or modify them for my benefit or the benefit of others during the volunteer period or thereafter without written consent from TEN’s headquarters.
  6. I undertake that during and following the program term, I will not disclose or use any information belonging to the Jewish Agency or obtained within the framework of the program that is not in the public domain. This includes information related to privacy and sensitive information concerning the program, unique projects, ideas, initiatives, marketing methods, fundraising and resource development methods, as well as details about the Jewish Agency’s donor list. I also agree not to harm the reputation of the Jewish Agency in any way.
  7. I commit to fulfill the role assigned to me within the framework of my voluntary work with dedication and loyalty. I will utilize all my skills, knowledge, and experience to benefit and advance the program on a high and efficient level, as determined by the program, and comply with the instructions of the program managers relating to program implementation, discipline, and conduct.
  8. I undertake to immediately notify the program managers of any situation in which I have a personal interest or a conflict of interest that may arise due to my participation in the program.

i. I declare that I do not have a criminal record.

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